originally posted on 6/24/11
Our client saw the pillow we made for Lexi and wanted us to adapt it for Rachel, with one important difference - she wanted the invitation incorporated into the design.
Here's what the client saw - Lexi's pillow:
Lexi's pillow - the inspiration!
Here's Rachel's invitation:
The was actually a challenge, because what is so striking about Lexi's pillow is that is a mass of pink, with some white and grey highlights - it is a dark pillow with light accents. Rachel's invitation would make a light pillow with dark accents. pretty, but not what the client wanted. After thinking about it for awhile, the design approach took shape: we would make a 2-sided pillow.
This side is very Lexi-like. We took the name from the invitation and digitized it into embroidery, then applied concentric rectangles of a cool sequin-flower trim:
The flip side has the invitation, and uses the same trim as the front to bring it all together:
The client was pleased:
This is more than I ever hoped for! This is beautiful, I am definitely going to do this again! M.C, Mount Kisco, NY